Cool'n Camp

Why should campsites be present on social networks?

Image décorative de l'article sur l'importance des réseaux sociaux pour un camping

Social networks are becoming a source of inspiration for more than a quarter of travelers.

To keep pace with these new behaviors, more and more tourism professionals are using social networks to promote their destinations.

A tourism selection tool

According to a Photobox study designed to understand holidaymakers’ photography habits, several figures emerged:

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of respondents aged between 18 and 34 use Instagram, Pinterest or Tiktok to choose their next travel destination

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of respondents aged 55 and over use travel sites such as Tripadvisor for example

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more than a third of French people say they rely on recommendations from friends and family

Travelers don’t just use social networks to find a new travel destination, but also to organize their stay on the spot once they’ve chosen their destination: finding the best restaurants, unmissable local experiences, places to visit…

Free promotion of your establishment

The younger generation, generally aged between 18 and 34, regularly use social networks during their travels and post content: photos, videos, stories… from their vacation spots.

The 2 main reasons why travellers post are:

Social networks, combined with the younger generation, are a great way for campsites to promote their facilities for free.

The important use of Tiktok

Tiktok is the biggest source of travel inspiration and so one of the social networks on which every tourist establishment must be present and post regularly.

On the app, #travel has 6.7 million views, #tourism 410.5 million views and #traveltok over 9.9 billion views.

Users have very specific expectations, as they want to benefit from a maximum amount of content on travel tips (what to do locally, in the area…) and on the establishment itself, to help them prepare for their stay.

Let's recap

Campsites need to be present on social networks such as Tiktok and Instagram to promote their establishment and services, in order to attract potential future customers, or at the very least to gain notoriety.

In addition, you can redirect your users via your social networks directly to the Cool’n Camp application to encourage them to discover all the services, tourism offers, events… in a single, faster tool.

If you’re a campsite, choose to combine Cool’n Camp and social networks to promote your establishment and generate new bookings.

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